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Tuesday 2 May 2017

J.A.R.V.I.S OS - First Artificial Intelligence OS for Hackers

Chiragh Dewan, a 18 year old student who is currently pursuing his BCA has taken the initiative to be the first Indian to complete this project J.A.R.V.I.S , which is inspired by Iron Man’s (movie) artificial intelligence assistant Jarvis.

He along with his crew has developed a new advanced AI supporting OS which can answer questions, post statuses on social sites, search for whatever you says,collects informations and many more.  These are all supportable with voice commands.

This OS will help pentesters and hackers to work With CUI environment.

 This OS have many additional features added than other OS.
Chirag Dhawan has no any knowledge about AI initially but after inspiring from Iron Man movies He thought to have similar OS as Jarvis. So he started to learn through different book, magazines, online courses,etc. He started this project before 3 years along with his first team mate Himanshu.  Later on different peoples joined his project and finally completed 3rd stage of its development and launced it.

In the current version of JARVIS v1.0, these features are
included :

  • Answering questions asked by the administrator
  • Compile reports on any topic asked by the user.
  • Control lights by voice.
  • Basic interaction with the user.
  • Handling Facebook, Email and Social profiles of users
  • Using Twitter Account with voice control
  • Basic OS kernel is ready.
  • Can Scan targets for Hackers
  • Gathering Basic information about the target
All the above functions are controlled by voice feedback. He will be soon launching his OS after completion of its 3rd stage. 
You can know more details about his work and OS Jarviscorp.

Keep visiting for more updates.   Thank You. !!

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